Wednesday, September 6, 2023

10 years of Freedom to Glide


10 years of Freedom to Glide

By Pete Clemons

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.

Musicians often write in predictable ways but when it come to Freedom to Glide (F2G) that is not necessarily the case. Their style is to write epic's that include musical of attacks on war and those that wage it. On their initial albums world war 1 comes under particular scrutiny. The futility of it all, the consequences and its destruction - as well as its long lasting and damaging effects.

The lyrics are the most startling part of that trio of albums that also includes many strong musical moments and some excellently recording work. A fourth album appeared soon after the current conflict. It was a thought provoking response to events. And posed the question: 'we thought, as humans, we were well past this kind of thing'.

The initial trio of albums record weaves through several themes. These include fury at those leaders who make political gains out of conflicts. And, whatever else one might think about these albums, it’s ambitious stuff. Yet, at there heart there seems to be a sense of compassion.

I asked F2G guitarist Andy Nixon if, ten years or so ago when the project first began, it had been a conscious decision to concentrate on the subject of war?

He replied that 'it was a conscious decision to write one album (RAIN) but it kind of just kept flowing after that. Once we were on to the second album then the thought of a trilogy seemed like a good idea! I had so many ideas for lyrical angles and we had a reservoir of musical ideas that a trilogy didn’t seem at all daunting. Though the work involved was a marathon with the writing, arranging, recording, mixing, production, PR etc etc. All worth it though of course, the final result has been so well received'.

Rain, released during 2013, was almost 3 years in the making. Apart from the WW1 references World War 1 the album showcased the talents of both Andy and keyboard player Pete Riley. The pair were performing in a Pink Floyd tribute, and that influence is very evident in their work. Fall, the second album, was released on the 100th anniversary of the first day of The Battle Of The Somme during 2016. A third album, Seed, followed during 2019. Album 4, The Chronicle Of Stolen Souls, was, as mentioned, spurred on by current issues.

Fear and isolation find a role within the narrative along with a great deal of atmospheric detail that reveal a wider world and deeper grief. From both the emotional and technical perspective, there are some wonderful moments within these albums.

For all the ire and condemnation within these albums, there is also a deep undercurrent of melancholy and an understanding of the loneliness which follows. There is also a calling for human connections in the face of loss and sorrow. One can feel utterly alone yet, at the same time, surrounded by friends and family. All in all, powerful subject matter. Check out Freedom to Glide's work on their bandcamp page.

Freedom to Glide Bandcamp


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