Monday, April 3, 2023

The Skabilly Rebels & The Neville Staple Band at the Rialto


The Skabilly Rebels & The Neville Staple Band at the Rialto.

by Pete Clemons

Audiences are not stupid. It's a great feeling when, those on a stage, appear to be enjoying their evening's work. Its a kind of telepathy. Gig goers sense when things are going well and when they are not.

And that was exactly the situation at the Rialto recently. The Skabilly Rebels, fronted by Roddy Radiation, alongside The Neville Staple band both put on a memorable evenings work. And the audience loved it.

The Skabilly Rebels, particularly, I felt put in a tremendous shift. The only real downside was a muffled vocal sound from the PA which was nothing to do with the band.

Roddy uses the stage well. He paces up and down as if stalking his prey. He twists, contorts, snarls and grimaces. Additionally he owns an impressive body of work with which to delve into. Bonediggin, Sea Cruise, Judgement Day, Blues Attack. Rat Race, Do Nothing, Doesn't Make it Alright, Hey Little Rich Girl, Your Wondering Now all made it into the set list.

Almost as soon as he joined them Roddy more than played his part in creating what made The Specials so unique. His cutting edge style and inventiveness has, indelibly, left it's mark on the bands legacy. With the impressive back catalogue Roddy has in his arsenal there is only one likely outcome in a sonic attack. Be prepared to be outgunned.

Still a forerunner of the Ska movement Neville has, in recent years, formed the Neville Staple Band. The group tour regularly and thrill audiences. Neville has surrounded himself with talent. The backing band is packed with excellence and, together with wife Christine, the vocal is shared.

Along with the crowd pleaser's Neville creates a style that mixes dance music with punk. Also included are re-workings of classic Trojan records tunes. The added brass is sympathetic and vibrant. The resulting sound instinctively makes you want to dance.

It was a great evening of contrasts. Both Roddy and Neville are amongst the founders of the 2 tone movement. One a driving force and musical architect the other adding the dynamism, charisma and energy, that made the whole scene so distinctive. Additionally Neville put the fun into The Funboy 3.

The Rialto Ballroom has had an impressive face lift since I last visited. A non descript staircase leads to an impressively wide landing. This includes a magnificent chandelier hanging from it. The concert room had doubled its size and, presumably, its capacity. So it was a real shame about the vocal.

Hey Little Rich Girl Skabilly Rebels.

Message to you Rudi - Neville Staple Band

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